God has raised a prophet against the Dimond brothers
Behold God has raised a prophet against the Dimond brothers and in order to oppose them; and the same is me, my name is Pedro Lima, I am a Brazilian scholar.
To explain and corroborate this claim (which I am well aware invites ridicule and hostility from all groups and peoples) it is useful to go through a number of data that most Dimond brothers supporters or people in general either ignore or do not know that well. By-the-by, this information also constitutes an overview of the Crisis in the Catholic Church that is unique because it is inspired by the Holy Ghost in a special manner. It is not so much that this information is not publicly available as much as that it has been a puzzle to be solved.
According to two sources, basically, one being famous historian Friar Michel de La Sainté Trinité (who was perhaps, after Official Fatima Archivist Father Alonso) the most extensive and effort-putting Fatima historian (Friar Michel having been, it is said, an associate of famous clergyman George de Nantes); and according to Father Malachi Martin, famous Vatican insider; according to these two men, the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima are in the chapters 8 to 13 of the Book of Revelation, the Apocalyptic scripture. Malachi Martin (who read the secret) said chapters 12 to 17 in a radio interview, but he was probably alluding to the information given by Friar Michel and simply didn't remember it accurately; and this is likely since Malachi Martin stated in some interview Sister Lucia has belonged to a nunnery in Coimbra, Spain, when in actual fact Coimbra is a Portuguese location. The point being that Malachi Martin likely was meaning to repeat the Friar Michel information, but he got caught up in a memory gap. There are many objections that can be raised against this information, one being the thesis according to which Malachi Martin was not a reliable source, despite the Dimonds portraying him in one of their videos as a "prominent Vatican insider" whose opinions are reputable enough that may be examined. Some people as Taylor Marshall have attempted to describe the very claim Malachi Martin read the secret as false, and Marshall has said Malachi Martin claimed to have simply overheard the secret and not to have been given its text; which is false, it is simply a fact Malachi Martin claimed to have received the written text and been asked to read it or given the opportunity to do so. Taylor Marshall is in this respect and others not generous and is lazy, for he is in favor of what he wishes to be the truth on religious matters; and this kind of thing is important to note insofar as there is a lot of that going around and this really muddles the whole attempt to address these matters.
There is also the question that in June 26 in the year 2000 the Vatican released a text purported to be the Third Secret. An author named Paul Kramer, as is somewhat well-known, hammered or often repeated in his book about Fatima that reputable sources say Sister Lucia gave over to the Vatican two separate texts, one encompassing one page only, the other four pages total, and the four pages text is the one which ended up being released. Its content, long story short, has to do with the Third Secret but is certainly not the Third Secret given to Malachi Martin to read, or referred to by Friar Michel's source, source according to whom Sister Lucia described the Third Secret as contained in Revelation chapters 8 to 13 [and the gospels].
But as I was saying, the Third Secret is about Revelation chapters 8 to 13. It so happens, furthermore, that in the Sister Lucia interview with Father Fuentes in december 26, 1957, Sister Lucia indicates the content of the Third Secret has to do with a chain of events emphatically surrounding the year 1960. So the chain of events of Revelation 8 to 13 corresponds to a period beginning at the latest in 1960. This creates a big problem to the narrative the Dimond brothers attempted to promote in their video about Sister Lucia and the Third Secret. And the problem in question is that the only mention of a period of peace, or something equivalent, in the whole of the 8 to 13 timeline, is after the "death" (which, as I explain elsewhere, is a spiritual death) of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11. These witnesses are the Dimond brothers themselves. Furthermore, the period of peace in Revelation 8 to 13 is one marked by the public admission that the "Kingdom of this World has become our Lord's and his Christ's".
However, the Dimond brothers claim a period of peace has come already with the end of the Cold War and the dismantling of the Soviet Union, an event in which the Kingdom of this world has not become the kingdom of the Lord and his Christ. And it should be emphasized here that, according to Sister Lucia and Malachi Martin's accounts, the contents of the Third Secret are relative to a chain of events. Up to the death of the Two Witnesses there is no peace whatsoever mentioned, but only an ever aggravated crumbling (spiritual-wise). This point is further proved in that the crumbling or 1960 punishment, according to Sister Lucia's 1957 interview with Father Fuentes, is authored [that is, effected] by Russia. Thus the fact the crumbling continues up to the death of the Two Witnesses has to do with the fact the efficient cause, Russia, continues to represent a punishment agent. According to KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn; who was considered by CIA Counter-Inteligence Director James Jesus Angleton the most important defector to ever reach the West (Golitsyn's pre-Cold War end predictions having been confirmed with a notorious 94% accuracy at the very least); the Fall of the Soviet Union was a facade designed (just as communists performances or acts in many other times) to dupe the West into being swayed by its subversive influences long enough to tip the scales in favor of communism. That is why special Chinese forces arrived, according to analyst Jeffrey Nyquist, in Ukraine as of late (mid 2022), in order to help Russia; that is why there is talk of many thousands of North Korean "volunteers" entering Ukraine to help Russia; that is why Russia and China have put foward the idea of a new global reserve currency backed by commodities, a proposal that (according to premises given by investment analyst Jim Rickards) means a declaration of war against the US; because maintaining a global currency is intimately linked with maintaining military hegemony, something that isn't much talked about but is natural enough.
Thus, the Dimond brothers position, that the predicted short-lived period of peace (referred to in the Fatima Prophecy as well as in the Prophecy of La Salette) has already occured, is false. All that happened was that the communist enemies of America and the West had a breather and prepared themselves like never before to challenge America.
Another point in question is that the three last woes within Revelation chapters 8 to 13, are the Three Days of Darkness [which are not literal days] prophesied by Blessed Anna Maria Taigi in the 19th century. And these days are three distinct phases before the manifestation of a man (already living among men) who is the Great Monarch and the Great Pontiff-to-be according to many Catholic prophecies (one of them by Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser), a man who is to be the Ark of the Testament and the Son of Man according to Matthew 24. The Book of Revelation is about the coming of this man. He will be the Lord of the Two Witnesses, the Dimond Brothers. They precede him just as John the Baptist preceded Christ, for Elijah must come first in order for the world not to be stricken with an anathema, a well-known Old Testament prophecy by Prophet Malachy. This is why, while explicitly referring to the Third Secret of Fatima Malachi Martin (see his Art Bell interviews) says all inhabitants of the earth will be confronted with a power from on high and will feel afraid. Each will interpret the Ark of the Testament according to their prejudice and this power will be rejected (according to Malachi, I take it to mean "rejected by some", not all, because Malachi Martin says this power from on high will give judgment, and therefore will reward some). After this power shows up and is made manifest an extraordinary tyranny will begin and much bloodshed; according to Malachy Martin; or as he indicated here and there, this tyranny will exploit people's dependency on technology and urban areas supply needs to enforce its agenda.
[Added text: According to more than one source (i.e. Malachi Martin and Friar Michel de la Sainte Trinité) the Third Secret of Fatima (not released to the public) is about The Book of Revelation chapters 8 to 13. These talk partly about the seven destructive angelic trumpets that signify the collapse of religion, particularly the phenomenon of the Post-Vatican II Council new religion, that as of late is associated with LGBT "masses" and an underground gay lifestyle subculture admitted by several of its hierarchical figures (e.g. "Bishop" Morlino from Wisconsin). Sister Lucia of Fatima (see her Interview with Father Fuentes in 1957), who wrote the Third Secret, said the Third Secret was concerned with a punishment associated with Russia to be put in effect by 1960. Thus the Vatican II new religion is the crumbling object the seven angelic trumpets of Revelation continually destroy. And the proof the Vatican II religion means the Russian tiara substituting the papal tiara, is that Olavo de Carvalho (Brazilian philosopher interviewed by Nyquist a few times) himself noted, in a public talk (in reference to a book he was reading), that the Soviet spies present in the Vatican II Council reported there was nothing for them to do in there, the very ordinary participants of the council were doing the spies' job for them in ravaging religion. Of course the effects of the council were tragic, even according to some post-conciliar commentators and nonCatholics alike; the statistics and other qualitative details speak for themselves. The last three trumpets sounded by the last three angels are the famous Three Days of Darkness [that are not literal days] foretold by Blessed Anna Maria Taigi in the 19th century, other similar predictions having been made by people of repute among Catholics since then. These three days of darkness, according to Anna Maria Taigi, are to do with spiritual punishments coming from heaven, but also with temporal punishments coming from earth in the form of wars and revolutions. The Ukraine War signals the coming of these three days of darkness (which are not literal days, by the way, this being a symbolism); and the timing perfectly matches the Revelation chapters, for the three last trumpets begin after the fourth trumpet obscured a third of the sun, moon and stars. The obscuring of a third part is a symbol for a gradual process, for duality means gestation, thus getting rid of the third part means a progressive effect; and that the obscuring is to gradually take hold, until it reaches a momentum (three days of darkness or last three trumpets). This fourth trumpet that obscures sun, moon and stars, means the obscuring or waning of the secular signs of religious authority; the loss of credibility of religious authorities, especially within the Post-Vatican II religion, having reached an unprecedented accumulation, as is well known. And to prove the three last trumpets stand for three days, all you have to do is take into consideration that just as the fourth day of the week is Wednesday whether or not you count the days from first to last or from last to first; the destruction of the trumpets corresponding to the reverse order as compared to the Genesis seven days of creation; both the Genesis creation fourth day and the Trumpets' fourth day deal with the exact same object, namely, the sun, moon and stars. Other details can be given, but basically what is happening is that the three days preceding total collapse are approaching, and they are supposed to be fraught with wars and strange evils. The Revelation narrative is sufficient for one to interpret these events as meaning that the World as we know it will never return, and in fact has not been what it was ordinarily for some time. The blessed candles ("candele benedette") affording illumination during the three days of darkness, reffered to by Taigi, are the Benedictine monks from Rochester, the Dimond Brothers, who are the two witnesses of Revelation 11, the two olive trees and the two candlesticks during the darkness.]
I have published a very detailed account of all relevant issues I could discuss, in a three part series of books. The first is already published in English, it is called Commentary on the Secret of La Salette.
My prophecy is relative to the office of the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Revelation chapter 9, a bible character who has three names, Abaddon (which means destroyer in Hebrew), and Apollyon in Greek, and Exterminans in Latin.
I am given a key, the key of the bottomless pit, and the same key is the Dimond brothers (what this means is also explained in the three part series). When I give them the turn (meaning a certain knowledge, as is explained in my studies in great detail) the Three Days of Darkness will begin, a time of spiritual and terrestrial trials, a time of wars and revolutions. The Two Witnesses during this period will light up a torch and no one else will. There will be nowhere else a refuge against darkness, and the little people think they have [among other religious leaders] will be taken away from them during the Darkness. The Benedictines [Dimond brothers] are the candele benedette (blessed candles) affording illumination during the darkness just as Blessed Anna Maria Taigi predicted.
The Dimond brothers say I should reject all these postulations or propositions, and that such came from hell and from Satan himself. They won't hear for the time being the knowledge I am supposed to give them. This is the sign the Three Days of Darkness will begin: when they finally absorb the knowledge of the turning of the key, when they finally agree to even hear it and succeed to understand it.
When the Three Days of Darkness begin only those continually penitent and continually longing for the truth will be benefitted by the Dimond brothers light. Absorbing this light without such requirement will be of no help to anyone. Thus each one must make one's peace with the Dimond brothers theological positions (in general) and pray for the grace of continual penitence and love of the truth.
If anyone asks for a sign that I am a prophet, tell them that (as explained and sufficiently indicated in the book Commentary to the Secret of La Salette) the proof sent by heaven is that it was given to me, and to no one else, to interpret the bible and find out a lofty truth, namely, that the vinegar Jesus drank during the Crucifixion was turned into wine, the worse wine of the last hour was unexpectedly turned to good wine from the beginning, as correspondingly testified by the steward during the Wedding in Cana; although during the Wedding Christ had said his hour had not come.
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