Catholic Approved Prophecy predicts America conversion


Did you know?

A Church approved Catholic Prophecy

given by a Virgin Mary Apparition in 1846

 (La Salette, France) predicted 

America would become Catholic and with its

help so also all other countries?


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 book file bellow:

"Commentary on the

 Secret of La Salette"

- by Pedro Lima, Brazilian

 scholar, now available

 in English

According to Our Lady of La Salette’s Church approved message to the child Maximin Giraud at 1846, America will convert to Catholicism and by its help all nations will be converted, for America is the country “in the North of Europe, then Protestant” [north, etymologically means left and/or down].  I’ll leave the original letter sent to the pope (Pius IX) with Giraud’s message bellow:

[Footnote: By the way, the Dimond brothers [benedictines] are precisely the ones likely to fulfill the office by which America will overcome its odds ; they are the Joan of Arc of today, especially if Maximin Giraud’s secret is distinctly predicted to about our times.]

[On September 19, 1846, we saw a beautiful Lady. We never said that this lady was the Blessed Virgin but we always said that it was a beautiful Lady.

I do not know if it is the Blessed Virgin or another person. As for me, I believe today that it is the Blessed Virgin.

Here is what this Lady said to me:

“If my people continue, what I will say to you will arrive earlier, if it changes a little, it will be a little later.

France has corrupted the universe, one day it will be punished. The faith will die out in France: three quarters of France will not practice religion anymore, or almost no more, the other part will practice it without really practicing it. Then, after [that], nations will convert, the faith will be rekindled everywhere.

A great country in the north of Europe, now Protestant, will be converted; by the support of this country all the other nations of the world will be converted.

Before all that arrives, great disorders will arrive, in the Church, and everywhere. Then, after [that], our Holy Father the Pope will be persecuted. His successor will be a pontiff that nobody expects.

Then, after [that], a great peace will come, but it will not last a long time. A monster will come to disturb it.

All that I tell you here will arrive in the other century, at the latest in the year two thousand.”

Maximin Giraud

(She told me to say it some time before.)

My Most Holy Father, your holy blessing to one of your sheep.

Grenoble, July 3, 1851.]

The message describes successive events, not simultaneous events. Thus, the arrival of the events in their entirety simply means the beginning of the chain of events. Two things that clearly arrived are the above-mentioned “great disorders” [e.g. the transformation of the Church externals into a communist social engineering instrument (something Olavo de Carvalho admitted as a palpable fact), the homosexual lobby/LGBT motif “masses” etc.] and the persecution of the pope, for as explained by a Fatima historian, Friar Michel de La Sainte Trinité, Pius XII was increasingly backed into a corner and suffered terribly by the intrigues and betrayals of clergymen; then Monsignor Montini [later Paul VI], he dicreetly took away from the Curia because he realized Montini was a Soviet agent [he also apparently considered resignation after discovering this betrayal]; he also attempted to summon an ecumenical council to condemn modernism, but it was so clearly boycotted by the very comission supposed to promote it, that he dropped the project and became ever more silent and intimidated in certain discipline and doctrinal matters. The final phase of his reign was pitiful and sad. He resented his situation as dreadful and relative to a supreme punishment looming, as one of his statements recorded; the dramatic situation is described in detail in Friar Michel’s The Whole Truth About Fatima, Third Volume. Another sign the La Salette message got things right is that Our Lady of La Salette is depicted with a Russian Tiara, which is interesting for it implies the Russian punishment to be made clear by 1960 (according to the Fatima seer Lucia in a 1957 interview with father Fuentes).

An Apparition without qualification is in and of itself controversial within and without the Catholic domain, and connotes the probability of error or a pejorative quality; but in the pre-Vatican II Church era officially approved Apparitions were quite rare and bore much scrutiny into them; and were an occasion for reverence and orderly sentiments; and the traditional Church handling of this kind of thing was always with a view to not stir people. This is why a famous approved Marian Apparition in Brazil, in the thirties, of Our Lady of Graces in Pesqueira (state of Pernambuco), an Apparition which explicitly confirmed the Message of La Salette by the way (addressed to two little girls), had to do with a skeptic German priest [named Father Kehler] settled in Brazil who severely threatened the girls and tried to trick them into confessing they were lying a number of times etc. He treated them, if in a much more humane and compassionate way, like Joan of Arc was treated by those who inquired her; and it took some time for him to even take the investigation seriously or get stumped.

Click in the link in the image bellow to access the pdf book file of "Commentary on the Secret of La Salette":

Click in the image bellow to access the free pdf content of the book "Commentary on the Secret of Fatima".


Click in the image bellow to access the free pdf content of the book "Commentary on the Three Days of Darkness".
